Premium Perlite®

Premium Perlite®

Is a form of natural glass that is classified as chemically inert and with an approximate Ph of 7. Making use of this property to create Premium Perlite®, the material is submitted to a controlled process under granulated, density and temperature conditions using a specific formula to obtain the adequate abrasiveness and softening on textile treatment.

The unique production process differentiates this product from other obtained products from this material that is used by other industries which are not appropriate for clothe washing as on the long term generates damages to the garments and washing machines.

Premium Perlite F®

  • Fine granulometric constitution.
  • Product packing presentation is in paper bags of 12 kg. (28 lbs.)

The Packing presentation allows the direct use of the product in to the washing machine with no trouble at all as the paper is absorbed during the process leaving no trace and eliminating the weight process previous to usage.

Premium Perlite B®

  • Coarser granulometric constitution.
  • Product packing presentation is in paper bags of 10 kg. (22 lbs.).

The Packing presentation allows the direct use of the product in to the washing machine with no trouble at all as the paper is absorbed during the process leaving no trace and eliminating the weight process previous to usage.